
Application for registration.-

8. 10[(1) Every person who is liable to be registered under sub-section (1) of section 25 and every person seeking registration under sub-section (3) of section 25 (hereafter in this Chapterreferred to as "the applicant"), except– 

(i) a non-resident taxable person;

(ii) a person required to deduct tax at source under section 51;

(iii) a person required to collect tax at source under section 52;

(iv) a person supplying online informationand database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient referred to in section 14 or a person supplying online money gaming from a place outside India to a person in India referred to in section 14A under theIntegrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017),


shall, before applying for registration, declare his Permanent Account Number, State or Union territory in Part Aof FORM GST REG-01on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner:


Providedthat every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor.]

(2) (a) The Permanent Account Number shall be validated online by the common portal from the database maintained by the Central Board of Direct Taxes 7[and shall also be verified through separate one-time passwords sent to the mobile number and e-mail address linked to the Permanent Account Number.]

6[(b) The mobile number declared under sub-rule (1) shall be verified through a one-time password sent to the said mobile number; and

(c) The e-mail address declared under sub-rule (1) shall be verified through a separate one-time password sent to the said e-mail address.]

(3) On successful verification of the Permanent Account Number, mobile number and e-mail address, a temporary reference number shall be generated and communicated to the applicant on the said mobile number and e-mail address.

(4) Using the reference number generated under sub-rule (3), the applicant shall electronically submit an application in Part B of FORM GST REG-01, duly signed or verified through electronic verification code, along with the documents specified in the said Form at the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner.

9[(4A) Where an applicant, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, opts for authentication of Aadhaar number, he shall, while submitting the application under sub-rule(4), undergo authentication of Aadhaar number and the date of submission of the application in such cases shall be the date of authentication of the Aadhaar number, or fifteen days from the submission of the application in Part B of FORM GST REG-01 under sub-rule (4), whichever is earlier.  


Provided that every application made under sub-rule (4) by a person, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, who has opted for authentication of Aadhaar number and is identified on the common portal, based on data analysis and risk parameters, shall be followed by biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and taking photograph of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centres notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after completion of the process laid down under this proviso.]


11[Provided further that every application made under sub-rule  (4)  by  a  person,  other  than  a  person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, who has not opted for authentication of Aadhaar number, shall be followed by taking photograph of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals  in  relation  to  the  applicant  as  notified  under  sub-section  (6C)  of  section 25  where  the applicant  is  not  an  individual,  along  with  the  verification  of  the  original  copy  of  the  documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centers notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after successful verification as laid down under this proviso.]


7[(4B) The Central Government may, on the recommendations of the Council, by notification specify the States or Union territories wherein the provisions of sub-rule (4A) shall not apply.]


(5) On receipt of an application under sub-rule (4) 7[or sub-rule (4A)], an acknowledgement shall be issued electronically to the applicant in FORM GST REG-02.


(6) A person applying for registration as a casual taxable person shall be given a temporary reference number by the common portal for making advance deposit of tax in accordance with the provisions of section 27 and the acknowledgement under sub-rule (5) shall be issued electronically only after the said deposit.




1. Omitted by Notification No. 03/2019– Central Tax dated 29th January, 2019


2. Subsitituted by Notification No. 03/2019 – Central Tax dated 29th January, 2019

In the Second Proviso;

Provided further that every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor.

The following word shall be subsitituted namely;

Provided that every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor.


3. Inserted by Central Goods and Services Tax (Third Amendment) Rules, 2020.Notification dated 23.03.2020


4.Substituted by Central Goods and Services Tax (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2020 Notification dated 20th August, 2020 w.e.f 01st April, 2020

Following subrule

3(4A) The applicant shall, while submitting an application under sub-rule (4), with effect from 01.04.2020, undergo authentication of Aadhaar number for grant of registration.

shall be substituted namely,

“(4A) Where an applicant, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, opts for authentication of Aadhaar number, he shall, while submitting the application under sub-rule (4), with effect from 21st August, 2020, undergo authentication of Aadhaar number and the date of submission of the application in such cases shall be the date of authentication of the Aadhaar number, or fifteen days from the submission of the application in Part B of FORM GST REG-01 under subrule (4), whichever is earlier.”


5. Substituted By Notification No. 94/2020- Central Goods and Services Tax (Fourteenth Amendment) Rules, 2020 dated 22nd December, 2020.

in rule 8, for sub-rule (4A)-

4(4A) Where an applicant, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, opts for authentication of Aadhaar number, he shall, while submitting the application under sub-rule (4), with effect from 21st August, 2020, undergo authentication of Aadhaar number and the date of submission of the application in such cases shall be the date of authentication of the Aadhaar number, or fifteen days from the submission of the application in Part B of FORM GST REG-01 under subrule (4), whichever is earlier.

The following shall be substituted by-

"(4A)Every application made under rule (4) shall be followed by—

(a) biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and taking photograph, unless exempted under sub-section (6D) of section 25, if he has opted for authentication of Aadhaar number; or

(b) taking biometric information, photograph and verification of such other KYC documents, as notified, unless the applicant is exempted under sub-section (6D) of section 25, if he has opted not to get Aadhaar authentication done,   

of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centres notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after completion of the process laid down under this sub-rule.”


6. Omitted by the Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022 Notification No. 26/2022 – Central Tax dated 26.12.2022


7. Insertedd by the Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022 Notification No. 26/2022 – Central Tax dated 26.12.2022


8. Substitute by the Central Goods and Services Tax (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022 Notification No. 26/2022 – Central Tax dated 26.12.2022

For sub-rule (4A)-

5[(4A)Every application made under rule (4) shall be followed by—

(a) biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and taking photograph, unless exempted under sub-section (6D) of section 25, if he has opted for authentication of Aadhaar number; or

(b) taking biometric information, photograph and verification of such other KYC documents, as notified, unless the applicant is exempted under sub-section (6D) of section 25, if he has opted not to get Aadhaar authentication done,   

of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centres notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after completion of the process laid down under this sub-rule.]

Following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely:-

“(4A) Every application made under sub-rule (4) by a person, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, who has opted for authentication of Aadhaar number and is identified on the common portal, based on data analysis and risk parameters, shall be followed by biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and taking photograph of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centres notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after completion of the process laid down under this sub-rule.”


9. Substitute by the Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Rules, 2023 Notification No. 04/2023 – Central Tax dated 31.03.2023

for sub-rule (4A)-

8[(4A) Every application made under sub-rule (4) by a person, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, who has opted for authentication of Aadhaar number and is identified on the common portal, based on data analysis and risk parameters, shall be followed by biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and taking photograph of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centres notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after completion of the process laid down under this sub-rule.]

The following sub-rule shall be substituted, namely-

(4A) Where an applicant, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, opts for authentication of Aadhaar number, he shall, while submitting the application under sub-rule(4), undergo authentication of Aadhaar number and the date of submission of the application in such cases shall be the date of authentication of the Aadhaar number, or fifteen days from the submission of the application in Part B of FORM GST REG-01 under sub-rule (4), whichever is earlier.  

Provided that every application made under sub-rule (4) by a person, other than a person notified under sub-section (6D) of section 25, who has opted for authentication of Aadhaar number and is identified on the common portal, based on data analysis and risk parameters, shall be followed by biometric-based Aadhaar authentication and taking photograph of the applicant where the applicant is an individual or of such individuals in relation to the applicant as notified under sub-section (6C) of section 25 where the applicant is not an individual, along with the verification of the original copy of the documents uploaded with the application in FORM GST REG-01 at one of the Facilitation Centres notified by the Commissioner for the purpose of this sub-rule and the application shall be deemed to be complete only after completion of the process laid down under this proviso.”


10. Subsituted by the Central Goods and Services Tax (ThirdAmendment) Rules, 2023 NotificationNo. 51/2023–Central Tax dated 29.09.2023 w.e.f 01.10.2023

forsub-rule (1)-

(1) Every person, other than a non-resident taxable person, a person required to deduct tax at source under section 51, a person required to collect tax at source under section 52 and a person supplying online information and database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient referred to in section 14 of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017) who is liable to be registered under sub-section (1) of section 25 and every person seeking registration under sub-section (3) of section 25 (hereafter in this Chapter referred to as "the applicant") shall, before applying for registration, declare his Permanent Account Number, 6[mobile number, e-mail address,] State or Union territory in Part A of FORM GST REG-01 on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner:

1Provided that a person having a unit(s) in a Special Economic Zone or being a Special Economic Zone developer shall make a separate application for registration as a business vertical distinct from his other units located outside the Special Economic Zone:

2Provided that every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor.

the following Shall be Subsituted namely-

“(1) Every person who is liable to be registered under sub-section (1) of section 25 and every person seeking registration under sub-section (3) of section 25 (hereafter in this Chapterreferred to as "the applicant"), except–

(i) a non-resident taxable person;

(ii) a person required to deduct tax at source under section 51;

(iii) a person required to collect tax at source under section 52;

(iv) a person supplying online informationand database access or retrieval services from a place outside India to a non-taxable online recipient referred to in section 14 or a person supplying online money gaming from a place outside India to a person in India referred to in section 14A under theIntegrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017),

shall, before applying for registration, declare his Permanent Account Number, State or Union territory in Part Aof FORM GST REG-01on the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner:

Providedthat every person being an Input Service Distributor shall make a separate application for registration as such Input Service Distributor.”

11. Inserted vide Notification No. 12/2024-CT dated 10.07.2024 (w.e.f. 11th day of February, 2025, appointed vide Notification No. 09/2025-CT, dated 11.02.2025).